Sit and Wait. How to teach your dog to stay in that sit for longer than 2 seconds! This exercise teaches the skill "wait". Wait is a command we use when our dogs need to sit at the curb before crossing the street or before you open the door. This command also teaches the begin to the command "stay" stay is when you tell your dog sit but then leave them. Like sit and stay, you go get a cup of coffee. Wait is what we say when we are going to stay within 6 feet of our dogs.
Sit & Wait the 2 minute training! This exercise will tech your dog to sit and wait. We use these commands when we want to get their leash on, sit and wait before crossing the street, sit and wait so we can open a door without them running out.
Teaching "gentle" to mouthy dogs. Dogs sometimes get really mouthy, especially puppies! This exercise will teach your dog how to be gentle with your hands.
How to stop your dog from pulling. Loose Leash skill building exercise. Super easy and fun game of I turn you turn.
How to train through play.
This is an example of using the words you teach your dog to do in action! Dogs who have fun while training are great off leash safe dogs. The command "DOWN" is a safety command. Teaching your dog to not run out open doors! Sit and wait and okay lets go! Having a safe dog is so important and dogs who push past people to run out that open door are not safe! This is an easy exercise for you to do! Make sure your dogs start this exercise ON LEASH! |